- Handling Drosophila and Zebrafish as model systems
- Mammalian Cell culture
- Molecular Cloning
- Creation and implementaion of artificial constructs for conditional gene expression
- miRNA functional validations (overexpression/knockdown experiments)
- Reporter assays
- FACS analysis for cell cycle study
- Gene expression studies
RNA isolation from various biological samples - cell lines to mouse/human tissues
Real-time PCR
Affymetrix Microarray (experimental/data analysis)
Data analysis (EMBL advanced course on whole transcriptome data analysis using
- Creation of genetic constructs in Drosophila (using UAS/GAL4 system)
- Basic light microscopy
- Blotting techniques
Southern blotting
Western blotting
- In situ hybridization
- High throughput profiling
High throughput miRNA profiling
- All basic bioinformatics skills except writing codes (have previous knowledge of code writing)